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Copyright (English version)

Communication of the rights reserved and legal notes

We provide gravity and request gravity in return

The software and documents available on this site are our property and/or the property of our suppliers and protected by copyright laws.
The use of documents currently available on this website is not conceded without our pre-emptive and explicit authorisation. Moreover, duplication, dissemination and any modification of documents present on this website are forbidden whether on a computer or on back-up.
The documents referred to above include the plan or lay-out of the website, the logo, the graphics, the sound and the images. All these elements, which compete in the production of the company image, absolutely cannot be copied or distributed without our pre-emptive and explicit authorisation and/or that of our suppliers.
All those who contravene the instructions restated above will be prosecuted to the maximum extent allowed by the laws in force.
Our company and its suppliers cannot be held responsible, under any circumstances, for special, indirect or consequential damages or for damages of any sort deriving from it being impossible to use, or from loss of data or profits and anything else within this scope whether from an action based on contractual responsibility or an action based on extra-contractual responsibility, deriving from, or connected with, the use or execution of software, information or available documents on this website.
Links towards third party websites are supplied exclusively out of courtesy and do not imply approval, support or responsibility for any content or changes therein.
The documents available on this website could contain technical inaccuracies and/or graphical and grammatical errors.
We reserve the right to modify and/or integrate, at any time, the information and/or software present on this website.

Copiright© 2021 – All rights reserved.